Archive | December, 2011

Christmas Then and Now

26 Dec


Christmas was magical. The Christmas mood started roughly about 3 weeks- 4 weeks before Christmas. With all the excitement to get the tree out and well decorated. I still remember the joy of taking all the ornaments out of the storage and placing them on the tree one by one. I still remember the cute little reindeers, angels, Santa, baby Jesus statue, the three wise men statues, the manger (where Jesus was born in) of course, not forgetting the bright yellow star that always goes on top of the tree.


I was young, and much shorter (not that I’m any taller now), I always had a hard time get the bright star up on the tree. Being taller, my brother would always place the last piece of yellow up. The joy of seeing the well decorated tree lit up in the dark by the Christmas lights that were wrapped round it, was just so amazing. I was always so excited to show the lovely tree to my father when he got home from work.


I still remember my brother and I would quickly switch off all the lights in our home and hid behind the Christmas tree when we heard our father’s keys jingled along the corridor. As he entered, we would immediately switch on the Christmas lights to give our Dad a surprise. How happy and joyous Christmas was.


On Christmas Eve, we would go to my Aunt’s apartment for a Christmas gathering. There will be lots of food and cakes, and ice cream. The choir from church would also gather at her apartment and sing wonderful Christmas carols. Food and music during the festive season is just love.


The anticipation of the presents was killing me. My brother(s) and I would never, I mean NEVER, wait till Boxing Day to have our gifts all ripped apart. We would always do the gifts unwrapping on Christmas Day night. We would be all so excited to what our Aunts, Uncles, and parents had given us. We would envy each other when the gifts of the other were better. Christmas Day night was our self-declared Boxing Day. That night, the living room was filled with excitement and screams.


Christmas is not so magical. Christmas mood did not start a month before Christmas. The Christmas tree was left in storage for the past… many years. I have not seen the ornaments in ages. In addition, on Christmas Day night, the living room was not filled with screams and excitement. So how do I prepare for Christmas now that I am not all excited about the commercialised Christmas?


As I grow older, Christmas is not about the presents or the tree or the decorations. Frankly, I did not do much to prepare for Christmas. But I know it’s about preparing oneself for the coming of Christ. But was I ready/prepared for the coming of Christ this Christmas? I was busy with work, and holiday trips, and going out with friends. So no, I was not ready.


Comparing then and now, Christmas to me (then), was how the world sees it to be. Commercialised- all the presents, beautiful lights and the well-decorated trees. All these don’t represent the true meaning of Christmas.


Even though I was not prepared this Christmas, at least I know what I have to do to get myself ready for Christmas. Pray, and be in expectation for the coming of our Saviour. I will try again next year to be well ready for Christmas.

Happy Boxing Day everyone! 😀